Marvel produced 6 issues of Double Dragon in the early 90’s. Some more info from the Double Dragon Dojo below…

The Double Dragon comic series by Marvel, written by Dwayne McDuffie (Issues 1-4), Tom Breevoort and Mike Kanterovich (Issues 5 and 6) was a six-issue limited series that ran from July to December 1991. Unlike the cartoon and the movie, the comics were released during the height of the game series' popularity. However, much like the cartoon and movies, Technos was not directly involved in the comics and they were done by Tradewest (who held the publishing rights to the first game). Tradewest seemed to portray the dragons not as skilled martial artists and bad asses, but as generic superheroes who get their powers from some sort of artifact, which in this case is a statue. While the comics were better made than the cartoons or the movie, it was still bad. It was nothing like the video game at all. Instead of recognizable villains like Abobo, Burnov or Big Boss Willy, we get forgettable super villains like Superluminal (who is actually an evil Flash), Exoskeleton (a skinless man with cyber implants) and Legerdemain (a wizard).